What We Accomplish

The PTO helps support many initiatives each year to enhance the learning environment of UAHS. This includes updating technology in the classrooms, the science fair luncheon, student scholarships, school landscaping, staff appreciation, teacher grants, visiting artists, senior activities, and much more.

See what we’ve accomplished lately.

Through the Mini-Grant process, UAHS staff & administrators may ask for money towards a specific project. For the 2015-2016 school year, the PTO awarded the following mini-grants:

$100 – Robotics Club – We provided funds for additional supplies for the team to compete.
$500 – Visual Arts Department – We helped fund a camera for the yearbook and other student life group.
$500 – Vocal Music – Helped support funding for the Winter Musical, “The Mystery of Edwin Drood.”
$500 – IB Department – Helped bring speaker Clint Smith, poet and educator, as part of Black History Month.
$1000 – Science / Math Departments – Bought supplies for the newly acquired 3D Printer to be shared by the Math and Science Departments.
$129 – Health & Wellness – Purchased a new refrigerator cart for the nurse’s office.  She stores medication, water and juice for students.
$260 – Visual Arts Department – Purchased 3 Wacom Tablets and cases for painting students to be able to work in digital paintings, a new and growing medium.
$1140 – Science Department – Purchased STEM supplies for a project on gliders for the Physical Science Classes.
$540 – Math Department – Purchased 2 robots and 4 sets of Pi 3’s for newly formed AP Comupter Science classes.

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